Welcome to Yuppi!

welcome to yuppi
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Yuppi Camp was established in 2011 to offer effective recreational therapy to children with chronic and seriously illnesses in Romania. The model used was represented by the Hungarian Bátor Tábor, large-scale recreational therapy camps. Moreover, Bátor Tábor is still an important partner of Yuppi Camp.

We are grateful and would like to thank all our supporters and partners, volunteers and medical team for helping us year after year, all the companies and individuals who support us by offering an important part of their time, energy and financial resources, so that chronically and seriously illnesses   children can participate in our camps freely.

László Zsuzsa
László Zsuzsa
Development Director, President of Yuppi Association, Co-founder
Who can participate?

Yuppi Camp organises free therapeutic recreation camps and activities for children and teenagers with cancer, diabetes or other autoimmune and seriously diseases , and their families. Since 2011, 1,722 children and their families from across the country have participated in our camps.

The used method

We are the first camp in Romania that uses the revolutionary method of recreational therapy (also known as therapeutic recreation). We were inspired and learned this professional principle from the Hungarian Bátor Tábor, a method recognised and applied all over the world. Besides, Bátor Tábor is a professional and much appreciated camp, part of the global Serious Fun Children's Network. In the following, you can learn more about recreational therapeutic activities and the proven effectiveness of this method.

Location, date, types of camps

The fully furnished and equipped camp is located in the town of Șăulia, Mureș County. Here, we organise three or even four camps each year depending on the age group, respectively depending on the type of disease: camps for children with diabetes, for teenagers with diabetes, for children and teenagers with cancer or other autoimmune or serious diseases, respectively for families with children with cancer.

Specialised Help

During our camps, children are accompanied by volunteers, specialised medical teams, as well as members of the organising team. Also, before coming to the camps, children are recruited with the help of doctors.

The number of participating children, volunteers and camps organised is constantly growing!



of children and teenagers participated in Yuppi recreational therapy camps



of volunteers contributed to the safety, well-being and joy of the children in the Yuppi camps



Yuppi recreational therapy camps were organised

The mission and vision of Yuppi Camp

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Our vision is to offer a chance for a childhood without the worry of illness for children from Romania living with cancer, diabetes or other autoimmune or seriously disease.

Our mission is to give every chronically and seriously illnesses children a chance at childhood, providing them with the resources they need to overcome the obstacles brought on by their disease, so they can live life to the fullest.

The History of Yuppi

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we organise an activity in a hospital for the first time


we organise the first camp for siblings in Romania; we also receive the most types of diseases ever in our camps: cancer, diabetes, juvenile arthritis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, renal hypoplasia, neurofibromatosis and others serious diseases


is the 10th anniversary of Yuppi Camp! For the first time, we organise the Yuppi Family Weekend for children with cancer, diabetes or other autoimmune and serious diseases and their families


we organise online camps and activities for the first time


we receive more and more types of illnesses: for the first time, we have campers with lupus and celiac disease


we organise the first family camp; we manage to organise a total of 4 camps this year


we organise the first camp for children with cancer or juvenile arthritis; we manage to organise a total of 3 camps this year


we manage to organise 2 summer camps for the first time, for children and teenagers with diabetes


2013 the Yuppi camps move to Șăulia


we organise the first camp for teenagers with diabetes, and the camp becomes bilingual (Romanian and Hungarian)


the dream of a small group comes true; we organise the first Yuppi camp for children with diabetes in Câmpu Cetății

Yuppi was awarded

2022 – Best Fundraising Campaign of a Small Organisation Award - People For People Gala

We won the Best Fundraising Campaign of a Small Organisation Award with our project named ‘When the Body Fades Away, but the Soul Heals’.


We won the MOL CHILD HEALING PROGRAMME Award with our project named ’Yuppi Camp for Siblings’.

2021 – 1st prize in the category of Non-formal Education at YOUTH GALA

We won first place in the Non-formal Education category at the 2021 Youth Gala, which aims to recognise the merits of all those involved in projects and initiatives with and for young people of Romania.

2016 – 3rd place in the category of Social Assistance Services at The CIVIL SOCIETY GALA

The Civil Society Gala recognises and rewards Yuppi Camp and the work of those involved, who practice social work through recreational therapy.

2024 - Nominalizare Webstock Awards

Yuppi Camp a fost nominalizată în cadrul competiției Webstock Awards, la categoria Best Social Good Campaign, cu campania #IAmMyAdvocate. În competiție au intrat cele mai bune proiecte și campanii creative din mediul online românesc. Ne bucură mult această nominalizare, îi felicităm pe toți nominalizații și premianții și le mulțumim organizatorilor evenimentului!